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Strengthening rural women

Building resilient communities
We envision a world where more people are able to lead healthier lives, attain decent livelihoods, and lift themselves out of poverty—resulting in long-term stability, healthier societies, innovative economies, accelerated prosperity, and genuine social change.

Supporting 100 rural women with vegetable  vending carts

Distribution of  sewing machines 


The Lives and Livelihoods

Women play an active role in day to day survival of the poorer communities in these villages. They bear the double burden of work in the house and out of the house. The low rate of literacy in the women of disadvantaged part of the community. They do not have any other skill to earning. There is increasing risk for scarcity of livelihood and employment in the region.


Ppaer bag making

Need Assessment & Problem Statement:

Lack of skills training opportunities’ among young women is a common issue. Often, due to socio norms and financial crisis, they are unable to undertake vocational and skill trainings in the expensive training centers.

House wife women depend on the traditional work like housekeeping, collecting fodder and fuel wood to cattle and to earn income. Some of them do casual labor work but it produce poor earning which is not sufficient to arrange meal twice daily. This impact on the health of women. These are the women from Underprivileged community they have not any skill and nor secure their livelihood.

However, due to lack of vocational training facilities and awareness, women never offered these techniques to create their micro enterprises in a profitable manner. Women mainly undertaking local workload to generate daily meal, and they never get the opportunity to explore other skills and markets beyond the existing one due to lack of skill and marketing support. This programme would include directly to vocational and skills development and will be reaching to the poor people with appropriate community mobilization and capacity building.

To enhance the capacity and employability of  disadvantaged adolescent girls and woman.

To enhance the ensuring income generation opportunities of sustainable livelihood to disadvantaged adolescent girls and woman through Tailoring, Beauty Parlor and Toys making skill training, in 20 selected villages in North Bangalore.

To ensure ability for generate income to sustainable livelihood to the poor adolescent girls, woman and youth through solar light assembling skill as livelihood.

The mission of the Livelihood program is to support the efforts of agricultural and rural communities to restore the natural ecosystems that are the foundations of their livelihoods, food security and income.


We have not partnered with any third party agency / NGO for program implementation/ recruitments/ training/, camps or other activities . Please check / consult with Lovedale directly to get correct information or assistance. Please beware of any unwarranted claims made by anyone on our behalf. Kindly bring any such claims to our notice for immediate attention and action. Lovedale doesn’t charge any money from anyone for these activities. So if you come across any individual / organization making a monetary demand in our name please bring it to our notice immediately by mail or call. Our staff members carry official photo ID cards issued from our offices

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